Monday, February 3, 2014

The Day After

I don't think I have ever run the day after a marathon.  Generally I take 2-5 days off depending on how taxing the marathon was.  Marathons are not created equal.  Hills, especially downhills, tear up the quads to a point where walking down stairs or off curbs require some sophistication.  Surfaces such as concrete are also hard on the legs.  Miami didn't really have any hills, a few bridges but they were early in the race.  It did have concrete so I do find some soreness in my quads specifically.  Although I am a bit stiff-legged, I was able to get out for 2 miles this morning.  It does break up the lactic acid buildup.  I suspect DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) will be more of a challenge tomorrow.  Its still warm with temperatures and humidity about 10 degrees above normal but there is no way I am going to complain after seeing the storms across the midwest and into the northeast.  So, I continue my running journey to my next scheduled marathon, the Umstead Trail Marathon, a stark contrast to Miami, with only 250 runners on some very steep hills on both bridle and single path trails.  Actually, looking at this year's marathons, they may be some of the toughest I have run in one year.  Just like the movie, the day after is the day after you have destroyed your legs in a marathon, all of those broken capillaries that you have spent weeks and months building up.

Today Day 34: 2 miles; 2014: 204 miles

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