Tuesday, February 11, 2014

God-Given Life

It is hard to think about the birth of a child as anything but a miracle of God.  We do a child injustice thinking of him or her as just a random set of molecules formed by two other sets of random molecules that have evolved from beasts.  No mother nor any father looks at their child and thinks, "this child is just a random bunch of stuff with no meaning but the scientific principles upon which it is built, and will one day cease to exist without meaning."  Is this harsh?  Probably.  Sometimes we need to be offended, in a good way of course.  What God has given us, not just through birth, but through his Son Jesus, is an eternal life of abundance.  We can choose to squander our eternal life here on Earth and beyond or choose to embrace it.  Frankly, I want to see my loved ones in eternal life, in a life of peace and beauty.  Think of your hopes and dreams.  If you are any kind of person at all, those hopes and dreams will revolve around being with your loved ones, sons, daughters, husband, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends for eternity, but not just in an Earthly life but in a Heavenly life, with no pain, no pressures, joy, love.  Why would someone not choose this?  At the very least, choose to hope and put faith in this eternal existance.  It is what is offered to us through Jesus Christ.  It is the good news of the Gospel.  You are no worse off believing in it and it doesn't exist.  But if you don't believe in it and it does exist, an eternal life is missed with the ones you love.  Faith. Hope. Belief. Love.

What does this have to do with running?  One can say nothing.  But look at the last four words.  This is what you need to move your running (and any endeavor) forward.  Sometimes it also needs to be offensive and harsh.  God has given us all gifts of our own special kind.  Find your gift and give it to someone.

Today Day 42: 3 miles: 2014: 238 miles

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