Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Runners Like Me

I'm a conference in Miami for clinical research.  One website that is showing promise from a patient's perspective is patientslikeme.com.  It is a therapeutic specific social site for patients with varying  diseases and illnesses.  As much as the industry is concerned about privacy, this site shows that patients are willing to share personal information in order to improve their condition.

There are running sites like this too, forums, if you will but these are purely social and don't collect the measurable data to truly improve the running condition.  Most sites and books are focused on training programs but there is little empirical real-world data collected to analyze co-variables.  We can collect this data ourselves measuring diet, stress levels, relationships, age, miles run, time, whatever we want to collect and then analyze this.  The power is looking across these same variables from other runners and see what the data suggests.

I ran this morning at 6 AM in Miami and saw no other runners.  This evening I must have seen 30 runners in a couple of hours.  As I've mentioned before, I'm a morning runner and I think there are advantages to running in the morning.  It would be interesting to know from the millions of runners out there when their most productive runs are completed.  Who are the runners like me and would it be beneficial to be runners like them in certain ways.  I'm also not talking about elite runners whose job it is to train and run.  I'm talking about everyday runners, runners like me.

Today Day 35: 2 miles; 2014: 206 miles

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