Welcome to the Run for the Cows page, a page dedicated to the Durham Rescue Mission and the potential of having a running/walking event with Chick-fil-A in 2015. Last year, I adopted the Durham Rescue Mission as my charity of choice. After seeing first hand the good work they are doing in the name of Christ, I have decided to continue. Throughout 2015, with each mile run, I will donate $1.00 to the mission for each mile run. I hope to run 1500 miles this year after a 2014 of 1668 miles. There is a guaranteed automatic commitment of $100 per month to support Operation Daily Bread, affording the women’s and men’s division one day of sponsorship. The additional donations will be made monthly to reconcile the number of miles run. I challenge all runners to do the same and term this RACE (Runners Adopting Charities Endure). Runners are generally a charitable bunch and every race supports some form of charity. But, let’s make every mile count and also run to save the cows - Eat Mor Chickin!. If you are not a runner or you’re a corporate/academic/healthcare good neighbor, then live vicariously through this runner by matching, at some level, the commitment for each mile run. The number of miles run is posted weekly and monthly here and daily along with my blog posts on In The Moment Running. To determine the contribution this program generates, please refer to RACE in any donation or commitment. The Durham Rescue Mission would welcome any level of commitment. To donate, please go to Durham Rescue Mission.
Total January: 145 miles
Total February: 115 miles
Total March: 135 miles
Total April: 106 miles
Total May: 142 miles
Total June: 100 miles
Total July: 116
Total August: 147
Total September: 85
Total October: 104
Total November: 113
Total December: 91 miles so far
Total Miles: 1399 miles
Total Commitment: $1,399
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