Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Help

I'm about to go into two weeks where I will need to rely on God to bring me calm and peace.  With the many challenges in some people's lives, it's nothing.  But we are all anxious about things that are brought on by the daily grind of life.  Mine usually revolves around work because today's work environment has little respect for people and time, especially as demanded by customers.  I won't complain though because I have remained employed since 1982, when I first left college.  So, without complaining I will rely on my faith and help from the Lord.  I always get through better than I think I will.

It is the same with running.  At the starting line of every marathon, I bow my head thanking God for the day, my health allowing me to even be at the starting line and then I ask Him to grant me peace throughout the run.  it is a calm that very runner needs before partaking in a marathon challenge.  I never run alone an I always envision Jesus as my pacer.  He doesn't even have a pair of high tech running shoes and no aerodynamic clothes, nor a GPS, no Gu's either but He always guides me to the finish.  It's miles 20-26 where I need to call upon His strength.  I also have my worldly strength in Cynthia Anne.  In every marathon, I envision running to her either to the finish or other parts of the course.  I can't do a marathon on my own.  I can't do a training run on my own.  I lift up my eyes and allow faith to guide me, that my body or my mind will not fail me.  It is My Help.

Oddly enough, I heard this song play on my shuffle today.  When I got back, I could not find it in my iTunes library at all.  I even heard it play in my library but under another title and under another artist's name.  I searched around a bit more and when I went back to where I heard it, the song that played was the correct song with the correct artist.  I'm still not sure where the song came from (maybe I do) but I know that it was appropriate for the way I was feeling this morning.  I'm anxious about the next two weeks but I continue to run strong.

Words by The Museum
My Help Comes From the Lord

When sorrows come and hope seems gone
You're the rock I rest upon
When waters rise and I can't breathe
You're the love that rescues me

 Out of the darkness
It lifts up my eyes
Unto the hills I feel my faith rise

Maker of heaven
Giver of life
You are my strength, my song in the night
My refuge, my shelter, now and forevermore
My help comes from the Lord

When I'm broken, scarred by sin
Death gives way to life again
When I suffer, when I'm bound
In You I'm free, In You I'm found

Out of the darkness
It lifts up my eyes
Unto the hills I feel my faith rise

 Maker of heaven
Giver of life
You are my strength, my song in the night
My refuge, my shelter, now and forevermore
My help comes from the Lord
My help comes from the Lord

Today Day 46: 12 miles: 2014: 262 miles

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