Monday, January 27, 2014

Taper Time

Generally, the week before a marathon is taper time - the time when you allow the legs to recover and heal along with the rest of the body.  In most training regimens, tapering is done over a 2-3 week period.  For marathon manics, I am not sure that there is ever a taper or ever traditional training.  I'm going into the Miami marathon this weekend viewing it as a supported long run.  I will be there for a conference and figured I might as well run.  Its a bit too big for my taste, the logistics are not great, and it will be humid.  Believe me, I am not complaining as I am grateful to even have the opportunity and health to run.  After what most of the country has experienced weather-wise this winter, there is no way I will complain about 70 degrees.  So, let's get back to tapering.  I usually only run 2-3 days the week leading up to a marathon and those days are very light, 2-3 miles.  However, I have remained on my streak of running every day this year at least 2 miles per day but averaging over 6.  Due to business travel, some international, I am not sure if I'll be able to keep the streak alive as the year unfolds.  What's important is to maintain my goal mileage for the year which I am ahead of now. For my taper this week, I will maintain 2 miles per day and then run 26.2 on Sunday.  This will put me at 171 for January, the highest mileage in a month for many years.  I will then start February strong with the marathon.
"'Life' said William James, 'is made of doing and suffering and creating.'  It is all there in the marathon-the doing in training and the suffering in the race and, finally, the creating that comes in the tranquility of the aftermath." - George Sheehan
"The marathon never ceases to be a race of joy, a race or wonder." - Hal Higdon
Today Day 27: 2 miles; 2014: 163 miles

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