Snow Days
I remember being a kid and getting a free day from school due to snow. We would play all day outside, sledding, snow-balling, building snow caves/men. It was just a fun time. I wonder these days if kids just stay inside and play video games. When I ventured out on my run today crunching through the snow and sidestepping the ice, I thought about those days; the fun, the innocence, just being yourself with your friends. Snow is novel in NC and kids do seem to get a kick out of being in it. I saw a few kids today, one carrying a sled, and others playing. I guess my play these days is running in the snow. I put my trail shoes on, dress appropriately, and off I go, trying to stay on the virgin snow for optimal crunch while trying to stay upright. Living in the Northeast for so many years, I am well-practiced. It also quiet and pretty.
When snow falls in NC, there are a lot of closures, not just schools but many business, local businesses, even fast food chains. I suspect that major corporations don't close because people will just work from home. Well, except for the government. the federal government, as inefficient as they are still delays openings and has closures. People need to be smart and stay safe so I am a proponent of closures or delays.
It will be stark contrast from running today to running on Sunday. On Sunday, I will have 3 articles of clothing on, 5 if you want to count shoes and a hat.. But, that is the beauty of running, can do it anywhere and in any conditions - just run!
Parkwood Lake |
Today Day 29: 2 miles; 2014: 167 miles
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