Wednesday, July 16, 2014

State 47

In just a few days I will be running a marathon in my 47th state - Alaska;  years in the making with a few false starts, I will run the Copper River Delta in Cordova.  To put this place in perspective here is the course drawn on a map of southern Alaska.  Cordova is in the Copper River Delta and has an amazing ecosystem.  The first half will be run on a gravel road and then onto the paved Copper River Highway.  Lakes, rivers, glaciers, mountains and potentially a moose and/or bear may be spotted along the way.  I read that bears ca run 30 mph so I am not likely going to outrun one.  Then they say, climb a tree.  Really?  Can you see a 54 year-old man climbing 10 feet up a tree?  I am not really sure I should even set a time goal since I will want to enjoy the beauty of the environment.  I will surpass 1,000 miles for the year on the run which has provided 1,000 meals at the Durham Rescue Mission.  Cindy is doing the 5K just two months after her second hip replacement.  She has been working hard and it will be a major achievement.  Afterwards is a nice Salmon BBQ dinner at the Salmon Festival along with some Salmon Jam with Beer Money and other bands.  The day will be 18 hours and some light visible for 21 hours.  We have a 3 hour ferry ride across Prince William Sound as well, potentially spotting a whale here and there.  State 47 will be an Alaskan state of mind and looking forward to the adventure!

Days 194-197: 11 miles, 2014: 994


  1. Sorry if this is a double post i was disconnected on first attempt.Came across your blog while researching bataan. Along the way i enjoyed you wedding and new addition Casey Patrick.
    Im not a runner yet still in the walk and jog stage. However your post have been inspiring to what i hope to eventually do. Blessing to your family. I have fond memories of living in the triangle what a great way to involve yourself in the community.

  2. Thanks for the comments Sister. One of the reasons I write this blog not only is to inspire others but to be inspired by others. You have done just that with your comments and the aspirations you have. That inspiration will help me as I run the marathon tomorrow in Cordova. Inspiration comes from the effort that others make to improve themselves, because it is an effort for us. I had to re-energize my running in the late 1990's after gaining weight and being out of shape, I remember going out and trying to run a half mile and couldn't without stopping. But, day after day I got a bit farther, week after week, and month after month. Now, here I am running my 79th marathon. The body and mind needs this activity. I believe your blog is Freedom and your posts are inspiring not only as you forge this activity yourself but to do it with others. Good luck to you and continue to inspire and be inspired!
